Women in the profession

International Women's Day 2021

Watch our video

We are proud of the contribution that our women professionals make, delivering solutions that help shape the world. Hear the next generation of women professionals as they talk about the trials and triumphs, challenges and successes in their pursuit of an equal world.


RICS is coming out for trans equality and signing up to the pledge to support our global trans community.

“It’s a huge step forward for the RICS. We see many institutions waiting to see how industry reacts before considering such support for diversity issues. I firmly believe that institutions such as the RICS, should be leading and setting the standards for its members to follow.”

John Doyle, RICS North West Regional Board Member

Associate Director, Dooley Associates

Race in the workplace


RICS case studies: Disability

Mental Health


Gain an introduction to the principles and processes that deliver accessible and inclusive environments, recognising the diversity of user needs and the requirement to put people (of all ages and abilities) at the heart of the process.

Real Estate Balance seeks to support organisations in the UK real estate sector through the different stages in their journeys towards gender diversity. The success of initiatives to improve gender diversity is typically dependent on leadership commitment. It’s easy to set objectives, another thing entirely to deliver them.

Stonewall - Best practice, toolkits and resources.

Looking to make your policies LGBT inclusive? To learn how to empower senior leaders? Support your LGBT staff on overseas assignments? Our step-by-step resources and toolkits will guide you on your way.

Managing Diversity and Inclusion in the Real Estate Sector