On average we spend a third of our lives at work, often spending more time with colleagues than family and friends during the week. Regardless of whether our work is remote or hybrid, we all have the need to belong. That feeling of belonging in the workplace can drive us to work harder for our organisation and increase job satisfaction.

The culture of an organisation is both inward and outward facing: how clients perceive a business to be and how employees – and importantly, prospective employees – perceive the environment they will be working in. Will they be accepted, can they be authentic, will they have to hide part of their identity?

Research has shown that workplaces that have an inclusive culture are both more innovative and more profitable. People who work in inclusive environments are also more likely to stay in their organisation and be more productive.

According to a study by Better Up of 1,789 full time employees, having a sense of ‘high belonging’ was linked to staff turnover risk dropping to 50%, there is a 75% reduction in sick days and a 56% increase in job performance.
