In a move designed to attract the best and brightest valuation talent to Queensland the Valuers Registration Board of Queensland has announced its decision to recognise RICS Chartered Valuation Surveyors under its new Certificate of Competence pathway.

The decision was made after an extensive consultation process with RICS in Australia and has been introduced to help drive efficiencies in the registration process saving applicants who wish to work as a Registered Valuer in Queensland time and effort.

The new Certificate of Competence pathway means that RICS Chartered Valuation Surveyors who have maintained their membership since being assessed by RICS and have a clean disciplinary record can simply submit a RICS Certificate of Competence as part of Stage 2 Assessment stage of the application process instead of providing four sample valuation reports or attending an interview with the Board when applying to become a Registered Valuer in Queensland.

Applicants will still need to demonstrate appropriate levels of experience and that they meet the fit and proper person requirements.

The Valuers Registration Board of Queensland’s Chair Andrea Blake thanked RICS for working so positively with the Board to introduce the changes and RICS has welcomed the decision flagging its intention to work closely with the Board as the new arrangements are put in place.

If you are a RICS Chartered Valuation Surveyor and think that the wonderful Queensland climate and having easy access to the Great Barrier Reef are reason enough to move to Queensland then click here to find out more.