The Remuneration Committee is responsible for setting and reviewing the remuneration strategy for senior employees of RICS to recruit, retain, motivate and engage high calibre senior employees to deliver its business objectives globally.

The Committee is responsible for setting the total remuneration for the CEO and review the remuneration of the Executive Team, Independent Non-Executive Directors and Senior Managers that fall within its remit. The Committee is comprised of non-members (independent) and members of RICS.

Chair, Harriet Kemp

Harriet is a senior human resources professional with a deep specialism in remuneration. Her experience has been gained across a number of different sectors and she has worked extensively internationally, as well as living in both the US and Switzerland. She has held a number of Reward Director roles for FTSE companies, advised Boards and Remuneration Committees and lead large-scale reward and change projects. For the last few years, Harriet has been building a portfolio of roles. She sits on the School Teachers’ Review Body, an independent body which makes recommendations to the Government on teachers’ pay, provides consultancy advice on reward to both private companies and PLCs and is a Trustee of a charity which works with victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse.


Harriet Kemp

Remuneration Committee membership

  • Bhavna Sharma – Independent
  • Mary Robertson - Independent
  • Vacant - RICS Member
  • Nick Maclean - Governing Council Chair
  • Isobel O'Regan - Management Board Chair