This third edition of the use of GNSS in surveying and mapping has been prepared by RICS in partnership with Newcastle University, and with the help of an extensive expert peer review process. The standard supports those connected with the requesting, purchase and production of surveys and mapping data at all scales.

GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) have been used extensively by land surveyors since the late 1980s, primarily for geodetic control networks and for photogrammetric control. As systems have become more compact, more technologically advanced, easier to use and with a full complement of satellites across multiple constellations, the diversity of surveying applications has increased substantially.

GNSS systems are now available for many surveying and mapping tasks, including establishing control, setting out, real-time deformation monitoring, on-board sensor positioning for aerial surveys; the list is continually growing.

This standard has been written with two goals in mind:

  1. to provide the surveyor with a set of practical operational guidelines, which can be used when undertaking any survey that includes GNSS techniques. Information is also included to allow the surveyor to generate a set of GNSS survey procedures
  2. to provide the client or purchaser of spatial information generated from a GNSS survey with sufficient information to write a task specification setting out accuracy requirements, products and a scope of work, from which the surveyor can accurately produce a bid for the survey

The new global 3rd edition features fully revised and updated sections on GNSS survey methods, control and errors, coordinate reference systems and projections, and a strong emphasis on quality control and office/processing procedures.

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