Why is biodiversity important to consider for land developers and managers?  How does biodiversity management fit into broader sustainability efforts in property development?  What national and international industry standards and frameworks currently exist for biodiversity management?  What types of data are required to comply with these standards and frameworks and how do property developers gather this data?  How can data and technology help companies comply with these industry frameworks?  How can data and technology address biodiversity management in property development and improve the relationship with stakeholders, such as investors, regulators, and local communities?  How is biodiversity management fitting into broader corporate social responsibility goals and values?  What is the current state of biodiversity credits markets and how might they affect property development once they reach maturity?

Camile Goldstone-Henry and Jada Andersen speak with Andrew Knight as they discuss how data and technology is supporting biodiversity.

More information regarding the Tech Partner Programme and our partner Xylo Systems can be found at www.rics.org/techpartner