Ahead of the Scottish Parliament election in May 2021, we have published our RICS Scotland Manifesto.

RICS is calling for the next Scottish Government to prioritise fiscal and political investment in the built environment  to create safe, sustainable communities that are fit for meeting both short-term and long-term future challenges.

Building on our industry expertise, we have set out where RICS believes the next Scottish Government should invest in the built environment. This includes:

  • creating low-cost, low-carbon, safe homes across all tenures
  • committing to retrofitting, repurposing and renewing high streets to meet the challenges of a post-COVID, sustainably focused Scotland
  • embracing modern technologies in construction to create a housing and infrastructure system fit for future needs
  • investing in training, devolvement and upskilling to create a world-leading workforce.

We’re engaging with parliamentarians and candidates across parties as well as sector bodies in Scotland to influence the future direction and communicate the vital role of chartered surveyors in tackling some of the most prominent domestic issues; including the lack of adequate housing, renewing our high streets, creating a 21stcentury infrastructure network and addressing the challenges of climate change.