Decision of the Disciplinary Panel

Date of Decision: 10 January 2017

Case of: Gary Bonner

RICS Membership Number: 1110528

Location: Maidstone

The formal charge against Gary Bonner is:

The Panel considered the case against Gary Bonner by way of written representations.

Mr Bonner was charged with being liable for Disciplinary action under Bye-Law 5.2.2(d) by reason of having been convicted by the Crown Court of Maidstone on 10 April 2015 for the following offences:

1.     Producing a Class B controlled drug – cannabis,

2.     Possessing with intent to supply a controlled drug of Class B – cannabis and

3.     Abstracting electricity.

Contrary to Rule 6 of the Rules of Conduct for Members 2007

Finding: Proved

Sanction: Expelled

The Disciplinary Panel also made an order to costs.