Decision of the Disciplinary Panel

Date of Decision: 31 May 2023

Case of:

Hinson Parry & Company [014001]

Charles Bedson MRICS [0095606]

Rebecca Evans MRICS [5033289]

John German Estate Agents [752500]

Location: Stone, Staffordshire

“The Disciplinary Panel heard two charges against Hinson Parry and Co, two charges against Charles Bedson, one charge against Rebecca Evans, and two charges against John German Estate Agents.”


Hinson Parry and Co: All Charges Proved

Charles Bedson: All Charges Proved Except 3b

Rebecca Evans: All Charges Proved

John German Estate Agents Limited: One Charge was proved; the other Charge was not proved


Hinson Parry and Co: Reprimanded and Fined £35,000

Charles Roger Bedson: Reprimanded and Fined £20,000

Rebecca Evans: Reprimanded and Fined £5,000

John German Estate Agents Limited: Reprimanded and Fined £10,000

The disciplinary panel also made an order for costs.