Decision of the Disciplinary Panel

Date of Decision: Tuesday 16 April – Thursday 18 April 2024

Case of:  Matthew O’Dwyer

RICS Membership Number: 6984809

Location: Warrington

The formal charge against Matthew O’Dwyer is:   

1. On or around 14 July 2021, you were dishonest in that you submitted to RICS and application to register on the RICS Valuer Registration Scheme (“VRS”) which declared that you met the eligibility conditions required to register when you knew that you did not, causing you to be registered on the VRS when you otherwise would not have been.

2. On or around 14 July 2021, you submitted to RICS an application to register on the VRS which declared that you met the eligibility conditions required to register when you did not, causing you to be registered on the VRS when you otherwise would not have been. In doing so, you acted without integrity in that you:

a)    deliberately sought to deceive RICS by providing incorrect information about your eligibility; or

b)    recklessly misled RICS by providing information about your eligibility without regard to its accuracy.

3. On or after 14 July 2021, having been notified that your application to register on the RICS Valuer Registration Scheme (“VRS”) had been successful and in the knowledge that you had no qualifications or training in valuation, you acted without integrity in that you:

a)    Failed to alert RICS immediately or at all that you had been certified as an RICS Registered Valuer despite your lack of expertise in valuation and/or

b)    Undertook and completed 11 valuation reports for members of the public between 2 March 2022 and 3 October 2022.

Contrary to Rule 3 of the Rules of Conduct for Members Version 7

You are therefore liable to disciplinary action under RICS Bye-law 5.2.2(c).

Finding: Proved    

Sanction:  Expulsion from Membership

The Disciplinary Panel also made an order to costs.