Decision of the Disciplinary Panel

Date of Decision: 21 March 2022

Case of: Yvonne Davies & Davies Rural Property Consultants

RICS Membership Number: 1150441 (YD) and 807173 (DRPC)

Location: Looe, UK

The Disciplinary Panel heard evidence in regards to 11 charges against the Regulated Member.  The charges included failures to complete instructions within a reasonable time, failure to refund within a reasonable time or at all, having a lack of integrity with fulfilling professional commitments, making dishonest representations to RICS and clients, failing to respond in an adequate manner to clients and complaints, and failing to carry out work with proper regard for standards of service and customer care expected.

Yvonne Davies faced 7 charges and Davies Rural Property Consultants faced 4 charges.

Finding: Proved (following admission of the Regulated Members)

Sanction: Expelled / Deregistered

The Disciplinary Panel also made an order to costs.