Entry and assessment standards and processes for all grades of RICS membership are critical to ensuring confidence in the profession. They provide the gateway to membership, ensuring individuals have the right knowledge, skills, experience and behaviours at the point of entry.

The Standards and Regulation Board established the Entry and Assessment Review, led by the Entry and Assessment Steering Group (EASG). The Review is a programme of work to research, design, and implement any new assessment processes identified for the profession.

The consultation on the final report of the Review was open from 4 June to 28 August 2024.  The responses are now being analysed and will be reported to QAC and SRB to decide on which recommendations are implemented.  Any approved recommendations will be announced to the wider membership in early 2025. RICS would like to thank everyone who participated in the consultation — the feedback is crucial to ensuring that we make the right choices for the RICS Entry and Assessment process. 

“Our responsibility to future surveyors, and the society that will benefit from their work, means that we must ensure the standard of entry to RICS membership assesses the right skills, knowledge and behaviours, in the right way.”

Sarah Hutchinson

Chair, Entry and Assessment Steering Group