RICS Professionals have been trusted to shape the world for centuries, but communities and societies across the world are now grappling with unprecedented challenges. I have been greatly heartened as RICS President and in the course of my own practice to have seen so many recent stories of resilience and agility which show exactly why we retain this trust as professionals today.

However, we must always ensure that RICS continues to support professionals in a way that enables them to thrive into the future as they deliver against society’s changing needs. With this in mind, I want to update you on the work of Defining our Future, the strategic review initiated by Governing Council to ensure RICS support for the profession is future-fit.

Inspiring insights about our profession’s future needs

Earlier this year, members provided an inspiring response to the call for evidence that kicked off Defining our Future, making thousands of contributions through virtual roundtables, written submissions and survey responses. Feedback was robust, sometimes challenging, but always constructive, and there were some clear feedback themes that indicate the priorities you would like to see taken forward. I invite everyone to read the full summary of responses published on RICS.org, and I have highlighted a sample of some of the feedback we received below:

  • You said that you want updates that are more relevant to your individual situation, your area of work, and your region.
  • You said that you want interacting with RICS digitally to be more straightforward and seamless, with easy access to valuable content and resources.
  • You said that you want your queries addressed more quickly and effectively.
  • You said that you want greater transparency on how your fees are spent.
  • You said that you want to engage more with RICS and your fellow Professionals.

Elected members of Governing Council have listened. We are deeply grateful for the feedback, and have heard you loud and clear. Now, we have decided to act on this insightful feedback to make RICS support more relevant and accessible to the whole profession, both now and in the future.

From gathering insight to driving action

To achieve this goal, Governing Council has decided to empower working groups to look at initiatives that will quickly make a positive impact in the areas members highlighted as needing attention. They will also detail and deliver the further work that is needed to make positive change around the priorities identified in members’ feedback.

Three groups have so far been established, drawing on expertise from across the profession with members bringing insight from all fields and geographies to address the following key topics:

  1. RICS’ purpose, vision and strategy
  2. Member experience, engagement and value
  3. Thought leadership, influence and advocacy

In the course of their work, groups will consult with various stakeholders with the aim of ensuring RICS support is relevant and accessible for all, and we will regularly update you on their progress to address feedback. The Working Groups will make final recommendations for Governing Council to consider in November.

Governing Council will also ensure that working groups address relevant points arising once they have considered the findings of the external QC-led Independent Review, the final report from which is expected to be delivered to Governing Council in mid-August.

Immediate initiatives that groups will consider include:

  • delivering better-targeted, more relevant member communications
  • launching an integrated digital dashboard allowing access to personalised content, support and tools to manage your membership
  • developing a new service and support model for in-bound member queries (calls, emails), leading to faster, more efficient responses and resolutions
  • providing greater transparency on the categories where RICS allocates spend from membership fees and other income
  • enabling more member-driven, RICS-supported engagement events

Delivering a resilient future for RICS’ professional support

To date, Defining our Future has provided us a unique opportunity as a profession to focus our collective strength and insight into shaping RICS’ future priorities. By working together, as a whole profession, we can evolve the support RICS delivers to ensure it is future-fit and enables members to thrive as they meet society’s changing needs. I am hugely encouraged by progress so far, and deeply grateful for your engagement. I look forward to updating you again soon, and to delivering the resilient future of RICS support that will equip our profession to succeed in the years to come.