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Oliver Parsons

Editor, Modus

With new technologies emerging and transforming working practices, it’s inevitable that the skills and aptitudes required by the industry will change. But the questions are… how, and when?

In this next generation-themed edition of Modus, we’re taking a look at how this perfect storm of new technology and the economic shift eastwards will affect the surveying profession. What skills will be important? What will perhaps become less critical to success? And to what extent does the latest wave of technologies threaten the idea of a “profession” altogether?

Elsewhere in this issue:

  • Despite huge challenges, the global agriculture sector has been slow on the uptake with digital technologies. But if investor appetite in the burgeoning field of agritech is anything to go by, that could all be about to change. Are we at the beginning of a new agricultural revolution?
  • Soaring residential property prices are forcing increasing numbers of people into razor-sharp rental markets across the world. If this is the new normal for housing, how can we make a success out of it?
  • What are the ingredients that make Austin, Texas such a runaway success in the tech industry? We open up the recipe book.

About the author

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Oliver Parsons

Editor, Modus

An experienced and award-winning magazine editor, Oliver has worked in the sectors of property, insurance, automotive and technology. At Sunday Publishing, he has edited titles for a variety of high-profile clients, including Miller Homes, British Gas, Allianz and Toyota, as well as RICS.