In this conversation, Andrew Knight and Silviu Pirvu FRSA, CTO and Planning Director at Optimal Cities, explored the convergence of technology, sustainability, and urban planning. They discussed creating intuitive technology solutions for urgent challenges and the role of standards, professionalism, and adaptability. In this video, the following topics are covered:

  • Intuitive Interfaces and Decision-Making: They examined the importance of user-friendly tech interfaces for complex topics like sustainability and urban planning, stressing technology as a decision-making tool
  • Diverse Data Presentation: The need to present data in various ways was highlighted, catering to different learning styles and preferences by combining visual outputs and numerical data
  • Interoperability and Technical Standards: The role of technical standards in data flow across environments was emphasised, with harmonised data structures for seamless exchange
  • Professionalism and Accountability: Participants stressed the significance of maintaining professional conduct and accountability amid evolving technology
  • Net Zero Building Standards: The conversation covered the importance of standardised metrics for emissions and environmental performance, promoting quality and risk reduction
  • Social Value and Place Making: The exploration extended to valuing social benefits alongside financial gains through technology and standardised methodologies
  • 2030 and Beyond: The participants projected a future where technology aids resilience and emissions reduction while recognising ongoing climate change challenges.

More information regarding the Tech Partner Programme and our partner Optimal Cities can be found here.