This practice information is designed to address the complexities and varied uses of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aerial systems (UASs) and underline the importance of adhering to national and regional legislation.

The rapid development of drones has led to a significant increase in their use for surveying applications, including mapping, building surveying and land and agriculture management. Businesses are increasingly assessing the potential impact drone technology can have on their professional practice and speculating on how they can develop their own drone strategies.

This practice information also includes in-depth sections on:

  • a rapidly evolving national and international drone industry
  • opportunities and challenges for drone users
  • drone platforms and, even more importantly for surveyors, sensors (from optical to hyperspectral)
  • case studies
  • current and emerging regulatory and compliance issues, including national and international legislation and developing standards and
  • factors to consider ahead of incorporating this cutting-edge technology into your business.

The document also contains a glossary and a further reading list and is essential reading for all professionals thinking of using, employing or integrating drone-derived imagery and data into their workflow.

Although this PI has global application, it is due to be updated to reflect the current compliance requirements as contained within Drones | Civil Aviation Authority ( in the UK.

How can drones transform your business?