The consultation on a proposed updated CPD Framework is now open as we work on ensuring a framework that supports both members and public confidence in the profession.

In February 2023 the Standards and Regulation Board (SRB) established a CPD Framework Steering Group to lead a review of RICS’ existing continuing professional development framework to ensure it continues to support RICS professionals’ lifelong learning, uphold the public interest and maintain standards.

Following months of insight gathering and an initial member survey in Q4 2023, the CPD Framework Steering Group has taken on board feedback from members and stakeholders and is consulting on a proposed revised CPD framework for RICS members, aiming to make CPD more meaningful and to encourage members to self-reflect and determine what learning and development they need. The proposals recognise that any changes need to be supported with high quality relevant CPD provision and resources that provide good value, and seamless methods of recording and reporting on CPD completed.

As well as the survey last year, the CPD Framework Steering Group has also reviewed over 60 other comparable frameworks globally for comparison and carefully analysed previous historical feedback on the existing model. It has harnessed specialist expertise from both inside and outside of the profession and considered relevant insights gathered from the Entry and Assessment Review.

This consultation can be found here: CPD Framework Steering Group ( Together with social media polls and roundtable discussions, it will provide valuable further insight and information which will help shape the Steering Group’s final recommendations.

After the consultation, all responses will be shared with the Steering Group and considered before final recommendations are made to RICS’ Standards and Regulation Board for approval in late 2024. Implementation of any approved changes will not take place before January 2026.