June will see events take place in the UK and around the world in recognition of HM Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of her reign. As our Patron, whose predecessor granted our Original Charter in August 1881, I am sure all members will acknowledge the remarkable record of public service this constitutes, and join me in offering congratulations and good wishes to Her Majesty. 

As we await Lord Bichard’s review findings and recommendations, due later this month, I want to express my thanks to the many members who are taking a lead in driving change in the profession and in the way RICS acts to enhance members’ work to the public advantage. RICS is always trying to improve the resources and support it provides, but I have always thought that the full strength of the profession resides in the breadth and diversity of talent that makes up our global community. 

Richard Collins zoom_in

Richard Collins, Interim CEO

In this regard, I have written previously about Rory Murphy FRICS and other members who have led work as part of the Member Engagement, Experience and Value working group, and their latest update provides encouraging reading. It is clear the group is making great strides to ensure that insights gained from member feedback are effecting reform that delivers real value and supports members in their professional activity. 

I am also particularly pleased to see high engagement amongst recent entrants to the profession, as outlined in our UK Matric Board Chair’ Theo Till MRICS’ Matrics update. Maintaining the inspiring enthusiasm and passion of new and young professionals is a priority for me. Only by nurturing the profession’s future leaders can we hope to build a resilient future for professionalism in generations to come, and I look forward to supporting expansion of the Matrics model worldwide in the near future. 

Of course, we still have a long way to go before we can say our profession is as welcoming as it needs to be for everyone who wants to pursue a career in the built environment. To that end, Governing Council has established an oversight group to guide Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. It will focus on creating a culture of accountability and belonging, and making sure that the membership and profession better reflect the communities we serve. This builds on the MoU RICS signed in April with other built environment professional bodies to drive collaboration and progress on DEI, and I look forward to reporting on progress in this area soon. 

Members may also be interested in joining Pride Month celebrations, kicking off with an event at RICS HQ in London on June 8, set to be streamed globally. We will be discussing the latest data and insights, the need for visible role models, and pathways for collaboration on advancing inclusion for LGBTQ+ professionals. Members are invited to register to attend, with both in-person and online participation welcome. 

My best wishes to you all, 

Richard Collins

Interim CEO