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Timothy Neal FRICS

President, RICS

COVID-19 is an unparalleled global challenge to the way we live and work. The situation may vary by country, but it is clear everywhere that individual and collective wellbeing are inseparable. We face a daunting task, but I have been greatly encouraged by how everyone is working together on our collective response, whether professionals, candidates or RICS colleagues.

Since the start of the outbreak, RICS has published a series of updates designed to provide confidence for the public in the approach the built environment is taking, and to support built environment professionals in their work. You can find below a summary of these updates, including links to the specific guidance, support and resources.

RICS is actively engaging across the world with governments and public bodies, professional institutions, private sector partners and the public to inform this advice, and we will continue to work with all partners to ensure good outcomes for everyone living and working in the built environment. Events are moving fast, so we are regularly updating these pages to reflect the latest situation.

Resources for the public and professionals

  • RICS COVID-19 response hub – outlines RICS’ overall approach, including what we are doing to maintain our global operations and service delivery to uphold standards in the built environment during the outbreak, as well as a regularly updated FAQ section.
  • Guidance for professionals – supports professionals to continue delivering to the public advantage by addressing key concerns and risks. Topics include valuation, client visits & inspections, insurance, and client money.
  • Small & Medium-size Enterprise (SME) guidance – provides tailored advice on how RICS is approaching specific challenges facing SMEs and their staff, including professional audits, regulatory engagement,  remote working,  insolvency in general, and work-experience validity for students and apprentices where some employers might have to face the difficult decision to cease trading.
  • RICS services – provides detail on how to access RICS services and resources that have been moved to digital or remote delivery formats, including information on Assessments, World Built Environment Forum webinarsCPD Foundation courses, and Web Classes, E-Learning & Online Conferences.
  • Wellbeing in the Profession – outlines support available to RICS members and APC candidates from LionHeart, the independent charity for RICS professionals. Support includes free and confidential advice, financial support, professional counselling and legal advice.

Our future will be built by working together today

People and businesses are already showing great endurance and generosity. I have been moved by the extraordinary kindness shown towards those facing sadness and hardship in these difficult circumstances. I encourage everyone to support those in need however we can safely do so.

By maintaining this spirit, I have no doubt that we will overcome these challenges and emerge stronger as a result. I look forward to the day when we will have successfully overcome the present challenges. By working together, I know we can, and I know we will.

About the author

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Timothy Neal FRICS

President, RICS

Previously the President and CEO of CallisonRTKL, Arcadis’ global architecture and design practice, the Global Director of Buildings at Arcadis, and the head of UK and European Regions at EC Harris before that, Tim is an internationally recognised leader with more than three decades of experience in the buildings market, large-firm operations and talent management. Tim has been a member of the RICS Global Regulatory Board for the previous four years and is also the Chair of the International Fire Safety Standards (IFSS) Coalition. He is a Board Trustee, and Secretary of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat.