I would like to offer my warmest congratulations to the successful candidates in this year’s Governing Council elections. I’m looking forward to welcoming both new and re-elected members onto Council from 1st July and working closely together as we continue our transformative programme of work at RICS.

Each member who stepped up to stand for a seat, committing their time and energy, has shown amazing commitment, passion and dedication to shaping the future of our profession and promoting the built and natural environment.

This year’s election process took onboard feedback from members provided as part of the Bichard RICS Review last year and delivered a simplified, faster application process. We are, of course, still fully committed to ongoing improvements to this process and we have listened carefully and liaised directly with members who have taken the time to feedback during the election period. The RICS Nominations and Remuneration Committee and governance team will work with members to carry out a full review of our elections process in the coming months, seeking further input ahead of presenting findings and recommendations to Governing Council later this year. If you have feedback to contribute you can submit it here.

The review into the elections process will look to explore reasons why members may have been reluctant to apply for Governing Council seats. Our hope is that we would see all seats contested and we are committed to working with our members to fulfil this aspiration in future elections.

We have followed past precedent protocols for uncontested seats, and it is to be noted that our current approach is also standard for many membership bodies. This is not to say this won’t evolve in future, but I am keen to stress that a transparent and fair process was followed from the outset. Terms for new Council members vary from 1.5 to 2.5 years, so any proposed changes resulting from the review can be implemented for the next round of elections.

At this moment I am looking ahead with real pride and excitement at working with the new members joining Governing Council this year, along with colleagues who have been re-elected, and I hope my fellow members will join in lending their support and contributing to their successes.