The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has extended its mutual recognition agreement with the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) that sees both organisations share the latest expertise, professional guidance, and best practice between its members of its Planning and Development divisions. This follows similar agreements covering Facilities Management, Land and Valuation.

HKIS members eligible for RICS Chartered membership

Corporate members of the Planning and Development Division of HKIS (FHKIS and MHKIS) may, upon application to RICS, be admitted as a professional member of RICS (Chartered Planning and Development Surveyor (MRICS)) and be a member of the Planning and Development Professional Group, and may be entitled to all the privileges of RICS membership subject to:

  • one year post-qualification as a Corporate Member of the Planning and Development Division of HKIS and professional practice relevant to the Planning and Development profession.
  • the successful completion of the RICS ethics assessment prior to admission.
  • a professional interview conducted at the discretion of RICS to verify the applicant's competence and suitability for admission to the Planning and Development Professional Group.

RICS Chartered professionals to admit as HKIS members

RICS professionals (FRICS and MRICS) qualified as a Chartered Planning and Development Surveyor, whose principal place of practice being in Hong Kong, may, upon application to HKIS, be admitted as a professional member of HKIS (MHKIS) in the Planning and Development Division, and may be entitled to all the privileges of HKIS membership, including the use of the designation of Professional Surveyor and the designatory letters, subject to:

  • one year post-qualification as a Chartered Planning and Development Surveyor and professional practice in Hong Kong relevant to the Planning and Development Division of HKIS.
  • a professional interview conducted at the discretion of HKIS to verify the applicant's competence and suitability for admission to the Division.

This does not apply to any Corporate Member of the Planning and Development Division of HKIS or the Planning and Development Professional Group of RICS whose admission to membership is by virtue of a reciprocity agreement with another professional body.

The mutual recognition offers a streamlined application process for professional surveyor membership qualifications, which will allow surveying professionals to practise globally in markets where they have local knowledge, and ultimately benefit their portfolio and raise their membership standing worldwide.

RICS encourages and promotes the highest global professional qualifications and standards in the development and management of land, real estate, construction and infrastructure.

Members of both organisations are required to undertake what is known as ‘continuing professional development’ (CPD) which ensures they’re able to continue tackling a wide range of issues their client’s face in the marketplace. Specific courses that members can access range from how to address and implement new reporting methods for carbon in construction to online webinars about new rules of conduct or even updates to the valuer’s Red Book.

For details and enquiries of admission

For further details about direct entry programme, please view here.

You may also contact RICS in Hong Kong ( or +852 2537 7117) or HKIS ( or +852 2526 3679).