Governing Council met for one of its two in-person meetings 22 and 23 May. It was a good opportunity to get in-depth updates on the various components of the Bichard RICS Review implementation programme that has been in process since it was published in June 2022.

The recommendations are part of a wider transformation programme that includes several measures to reorient the Institution towards a more member-focused set of priorities. Governing Council were provided an update from the programme manager; progress is on track with expectations. There is still significant work ahead and GC is committed to maintaining the momentum with which it started the year.

  • This week we met the new cohort of GC members who will be seated in July as part of the reconfiguration of that body which now takes on a more representational look from a geographic and professional perspective. One of those is our first young representative, Sunny-Thomas Obasuyi, who will bring a much-needed new perspective.
  • Among the several items considered was a presentation by the Strategy Steering Group, which was established to formulate a three to five-year directional plan for the Institution, which has diversity, equity and inclusion and sustainability at its core. The business plan and KPIs that GC will review in November for 2024 will reflect that strategy. Members will have the opportunity to ask about that work at our AGM on 6 June.
  • The plan to devolve responsibility for regional activity has taken a giant step forward. The World Regional Boards now have more autonomy to respond more accurately to local needs. Those boards are now officially Governance bodies accountable for their own budgets, events, and member communications which can be geared to address local interests.
  • The effects of this return to a more member-led Institution are starting to be felt and local affinity groups are being launched by passionate members in the areas such as SMEs, women, religious groups, and RICS Fellows.
  • The new RICS Board under Chair Martin Samworth is now empanelled including Louise Brooke-Smith OBE, Chair of DEI and Frank Hovorka, Chair of Sustainability, whose presence will bring high-level focus on those initiatives above and beyond the diligent efforts of staff.
  • Effective and efficient IT has been an ongoing challenge and now even more so in carrying out the transformation programme. Although improvements have been made, including a new website, Council made it clear that IT is central to our ability to deliver on our commitments to both members and to streamline internal operations of the organisation. GC will be monitoring progress closely going forward.
  • The Survey of the Profession launched earlier this month and will be open until 5 June. Your insight is vital in holding RICS to account and driving reform in directions that work for you. Please do let your voice be heard. We are paying attention.