Where are the opportunities for data and technology to support the drive towards net zero through residential retrofit projects in the UK given the country’s need to retrofit 28 million homes?  How can we deploy advance thermal imaging survey technology and intuitive cloud-based, data-driven platforms to eliminate damage to building fabric during surveying, and save time and money when planning retrofits that result in energy-efficient homes?  What is the value making data driven decisions for retrofit projects and how can data add value to different bodies involved in the retrofit project?   How data can allow organisations, such as housing associations and local authorities, to discover energy saving opportunities quickly and efficiently using their own property data.  How can you finance green projects once retrofits are agreed?  

Stewart Little from IRT Surveys speaks to Andrew Knight on these topics as they discuss the challenge of retrofitting the UK’s residential housing stock and how data and technology can help. 

More information regarding the Tech Partner Programme and our partner IRT Surveys can be found here.

RICS Tech Partner Programme talk with IRT Surveys