I am sure members will be aware that Lord Bichard has now presented his review into RICS’ Purpose, Governance and Strategy. At a well-attended session in London last week, Lord Bichard shared his recommendations with members in the room and watching online, and took questions alongside President Clement Lau and Interim Chair of Governing Council Nick Maclean.

The wide-ranging recommendations – 36 in all – place renewed focus on public interest and the role of members in leading the institution , and span regulation, diversity and inclusion, sustainability, member engagement, inspiring the next generation of surveyors  and leadership on major issues of societal importance. Members can view a summary of the findings and recommendations plus the full report and previous updates on RICS’ website.

Since Governing Council commissioned the Bichard review in December 2021, it is fair to say that RICS members and staff have looked forward to its conclusion as an opportunity to look forward and not back. From the natural apprehension that can accompany the prospect of change, to the hope that this moment gives clarity on the way forward for the institution, I am certain today that we all recognise the significance of the review’s recommendations for members’ vital work and for the future of the profession.

I know too that wherever we each began our individual journeys on issues covered by the review, Lord Bichard has made plain to us all the need for change, setting out a compelling vision for what change should look like and the rapid pace at which it now needs to be delivered. I am grateful to him for his unflinching efforts and to every one of you who contributed to his work in the last six months.

This kind of process can never be entirely easy or comfortable – if it had been, then it would be unlikely to have served its purpose. However I have been encouraged by the thoughtful, insightful and constructive approach members have taken fto the review and to its recommendations. The probing and insightful comments and questions I heard at the report’s presentation and afterwards are testament to your professionalism and passion for this Institution, so let me thank all members for this, as well as for your patience and trust throughout these six months.

All your feedback is underscored by an insistence this watershed delivers results. In that light, it is welcome that Governing Council has strongly endorsed the report and its recommendations, as well as the three-phase approach that will see them implemented. All RICS staff are seized by the critical need to make this moment count, and in everything we do we will play our part to ensure RICS is refocused as a truly member-led organisation with public interest at its heart.

This will be nothing short of transformative, and your ongoing collaboration and input as members will be critical for making sure we are successful. This profession is uniquely placed to help tackle the world’s most pressing challenges, and I know how effective we can be when we work as one. Therefore I have no doubt that we can secure professionalism for the public advantage by delivering this great change as we do all things – together, and with confidence.


Richard Collins