The 2024 AGM took place on Thursday 27 June.

The AGM was an opportunity for members to hear from the President and Chair of the RICS Governing Council Tina Paillet FRICS, and CEO Justin Young with an update on RICS performance and activities. Members also had the opportunity to ask questions about issues that matter to them. 

Watch the event in full below.

We have prepared a report of all the questions asked before and during the AGM and the relevant answers.

Download the complete Q&A report here.

We have included all questions submitted to us in advance, all questions asked on the day and all questions submitted to the AGM inbox or the online form subsequently. We have not published the names of those who asked questions and removed any identifying details from questions. We have summarised and/or joined together similar questions in order to avoid duplication.

The 2023 annual reports, including the RICS Annual Review and Financial report and statements, can be found here.

We look forward to collaborating with our members to deliver the truly member-led, modern and professional body we have committed to being. If you have any feedback or suggestions about how we can best support our members and the profession, we would be delighted to hear from you via