Our professionals' input makes RICS surveys leading indicators in the industry. Taking part is quick and simple, and you receive full accreditation in our reports.

About our market surveys

The market sentiment surveys completed by our members have become leading indicators for the property industry in recent years.

They take just 2-3 minutes to complete on a regular basis, with members providing simple answers ('up', 'down' or 'the same') to questions about market demand, prices and so on, compared to the previous month or quarter. We rely on your individual input: your feel for the market – based on local knowledge, rather than the views of company research departments – is invaluable. Member comments that we publish are often picked up by the national press. All participants receive full accreditation in these regular reports. 

Completing each survey and reading the report can also count as 30 minutes of informal CPD; regular participation can add up to 6 hours of informal CPD each calendar year. Remember to record your activity online.