In this video discussion between Andrew Knight and Morgan Curby, the focus is on the integration of mobile networks indoors and the impact of data and technology across asset types. Throughout the video, they discuss the challenges and opportunities of implementing high-capacity connectivity within buildings. Morgan, from Proptivity sheds light on the necessity of mobile networks indoors and the shift towards 5G connectivity. The conversation spans topics such as the limitations of Wi-Fi, the role of private networks, the challenges of building indoor networks today, and the potential applications and benefits, including improved tenant experience, efficiency in processes, and the overarching goal of digitising property-related operations. In this video, the following topics are covered:
Role of 5G Networks: Exploring the significance of 5G networks indoors, considering the increasing demand for seamless connectivity across various environments, including offices, retail spaces, and public areas.

  • Necessity of Mobile Networks Indoors: Discussion on the need for mobile connectivity within buildings due to the limitations of Wi-Fi, especially in the context of the evolving work landscape.
  • Private Networks: Insights into the concept of private networks and their relevance in specific environments such as manufacturing sites, hospitals, and the challenges associated with spectrum allocation.
  • Challenges in Indoor Connectivity: Addressing the challenges in building indoor networks, including the use of passive DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems) with coaxial cables versus the emerging active antenna approach using Ethernet cables.
  • Business Models and Ownership: Delving into the business models required to make indoor networks financially viable for property owners and operators, with a focus on shared infrastructure and the concept of neutral hosts.
  • Tenant Experience: Highlighting the impact of mobile connectivity on tenant experience, with discussions on survey results indicating the significance of good mobile coverage for attracting and retaining tenants.
  • Efficiency in Processes: Exploring how connectivity can enhance efficiency in various processes within buildings, including security solutions, electric vehicle chargers, and other IoT applications.
  • Future Opportunities: Discussing the potential societal gains from digitising property-related operations and the role of connectivity in achieving ESG goals by making buildings more energy-efficient and technologically advanced.
  • Challenges and Barriers: Identifying the challenges and barriers to widespread adoption, including the need for property owners to take ownership of the connectivity issue and the necessity of aligning business models between the telecom and real estate industries.
  • Market Evolution: Touching upon the evolving market dynamics, beyond central business districts, and the importance of connectivity as augmented reality (AR) technologies become more prevalent in everyday life.

More information regarding the Tech Partner Programme and our partner Proptivity can be found here.