Tender prices for social housing in Scotland fell by 0.3% in 2nd quarter 2019 but rose by 4.3% compared with 2nd quarter 2018. They have remained virtually unchanged for the last three quarters.

The price movement should be seen against a background of growing demand for construction work in Scotland, new work output in 2nd quarter 2019 was up almost 10% on the previous quarter and 8.5% on 2nd quarter 2018.

Demand from the housing sector has been particularly strong with housing construction output up 17.7% in the last year (2nd quarter 2018 to 2nd quarter 2019).

A total of 22,764 dwellings were started in the year to 1st quarter 2019 (the latest figures available), of which 6,719 (30%) were for the social sector. The total is up 16%, on the previous 12 months, while social sector starts are up 10%.

scottish tender price index RICS zoom_in

A look at the Scottish social housing tender price index

  • The Scottish Social Housing Tender Price Index is prepared by BCIS for Scottish Government More Homes Division