It’s with great pleasure, enthusiasm and optimism that I write this foreword in my first week as CEO here at RICS.

To join an institution with such an important heritage and enduring role in protecting and promoting the public interest, is a truly unique opportunity. I’m really looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible as we work together to continue progressing our ambitious transformation programme.

I know I am joining RICS at a crucial time in its long history. We’re at a pivotal point where we need to adapt and evolve to secure the long-term relevance and success of this wonderful global institution.

My background is in business transformation, so I also know that this won’t always be straightforward. I want to reassure you that, guided by your representatives on Governing Council, we are making significant progress in the right direction. The recent Standards and Regulation Board resignations highlighted differing views on how we deliver our overall goals but, while change can be challenging, it also enables fresh ideas and perspectives.

My appointment at RICS coincides with a number of new faces within our governance team – including new Governing Council members who started their terms on 1 July 2023. I’ve been lucky to meet some of these members already and their passion and commitment to the profession gives me great confidence and assurance.

We also congratulate new and returning Chairs and board members on our five World Regional Boards (WRBs) this month. Following recommendations from the Bichard RICS Review, WRBs have now been transitioned into RICS governance bodies, giving them more autonomy to set out priorities relevant to their market. Thank you to those members who have finished their terms and whose inputs leave us in great shape to build on their efforts over the coming months.

I am joining RICS shortly after Pride Month, which saw us host our largest ever Pride event at our London HQ in Great George Street in partnership with multiple member networks and professional body partners. Thank you to those that attended or watched the recording and to the many members who contributed to our Pride programme throughout June. Whether it was through appearing on a RICS podcast or attending one of the many member events held worldwide, you turned out in droves to lend support and allyship to our LGBTQ+ community.

I know from my former role as Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Knight Frank how important data is for informing measurable and impactful outcomes. When it comes to advancing inclusion, the same rules apply. That’s why for the next six weeks we’re asking member firms to take part in a DEI survey delivered by our partner the Supply Chain Sustainability School. By inputting into this database, which RICS has invested in for members, firms will be able to obtain comparative benchmarking data for the whole sector so they can understand where they are on their DEI journey. This survey is only available to UK firms at this time, and all data collected is aggregate and protected. The survey is open until 11 August and you can participate here.

Finally, thank you for the very warm welcome I’ve received since my appointment was announced. I’m looking forward to achieving great things together.

Justin Young