Decision of Single Member of the Disciplinary Panel

Date of Decision: 12 May 2015

Case of:  Phillip Greenslade & Phillip Greenslade Associates Limited (firm)

RICS Membership Number: 1106458 (Phillip Greenslade)  & Phillip Greenslade Associates Limited (053844)

Location: Essex

The formal charges against Philip Greenslade are:

1.      You have not at all times avoided actions or situations that were inconsistent with your professional obligations in that

  • you have not applied to register with RICS as on its valuer registration scheme
  • you have advertised valuation services to the public since April 2011 without having registered on the RICS valuer registration scheme such that
  • you have failed to comply with your obligations as a member of RICS to comply with its Rules
  • you have exposed your clients to risk as it is likely that your professional indemnity insurance cover excludes valuations undertaken by an RICS member not registered on the valuer registration scheme

Contrary to Rule 3 of the Rules of Conduct for Members 2007

2.      You did not submit in a timely manner or at all information requested by RICS

  • in a letter dated 23 May 2014 concerning a complaint received by RICS from a Ms W
  • in a letter dated 27 May 2014 about your professional practice
  • in a letter dated 18 August 2014 about your use of RICS Homebuyer Reports such that RICS has been prevented from investigating a complaint from a member of the public and your conduct as a member of RICS

Contrary to Rule 8 of the Rules of Conduct for Members 2007

3.      You have failed to co-operate fully with RICS staff in that you have failed to respond to written correspondence sent to you by RICS Regulation officers between 23 May and 04 November 2014, and telephone messages left for you by RICS Regulation officers on 05 June, 10 July, 05 August and 09 September 2014

Contrary to Rule 9 of the Rules of Conduct for Members 2007

The formal charges against Philip Greenslade Associates Limited are:

1.      That the firm did not at all times avoid any actions or situations that were inconsistent with its professional obligations by failing to discharge its obligations as a member of the Ombudsman Services: Property scheme (a scheme approved by RICS to provide independent redress to members of the public unhappy with the service they have received) in that it did not implement the remedies set out in a Final Decision of the Ombudsman in relation to a complaint by Mrs B within 28 days of notification

Contrary to Rule 3 of the Rules of Conduct for Firms 2007

2.      That the firm did not submit in a timely manner or at all such information about its activities as the Regulatory Board may reasonably require in that it did not provide the information requested by RICS in a letter dated 05 August 2014 concerning a complaint received by RICS from the Ombudsman Services: Property such that RICS has been unable to investigate that complaint

Contrary to Rule 14 of the Rules of Conduct for Firms 2007

3.      That the firm did not submit in timely manner or at all such information about its activities as the Regulatory Board may reasonably require in the form of an Annual Return requested by RICS from the firm on 14 May 2014

Contrary to Rule 14 of the Rules of Conduct for Firms 2007

4.      That the firm has failed to co-operate with RICS staff in that it has not responded to written correspondence sent to it by RICS Regulation officers between 05 August and 04 November 2014

Contrary to Rule 15 of the Rules of Conduct for Firms 2007

Finding: Proved against Philip Greenslade / Proved against Phillip Greenslade Associates Limited


Philip Greenslade: Expelled

Phillip Greenslade Associates Limited: Deregistration

The Disciplinary Panel also made an order to costs.