I had the privilege last week of chairing the RICS Standards and Regulation Board’s (SRB) first meeting in Frankfurt, where we were joined by the Europe World Regional Board chaired by Susanne Eickermann-Riepe.

The SRB is responsible for setting and upholding RICS professional standards, maintaining our robust entry requirements for those aspiring to enter the profession and regulating RICS’ dispute resolution activities. We need to understand the pressures facing members and the changing public expectations of the profession, in order to ensure that our self-regulatory model delivers to the public advantage and remains relevant by responding to those challenges and opportunities.

The Europe World Regional Board represents 55 countries and 9,587 RICS members, of which 1,258 are candidates, and I am grateful to Susanne, the members of the Board, the local members, and candidates involved in the renewed RICS Matrics organisation in Germany for their energy, enthusiasm and insights. We heard about the challenges of working with European regulatory authorities, sustainability requirements and the impact of ESG legislation on valuation, the strong appetite for international standards and regulation across Europe and the importance of strengthening diversity, equity and inclusion in the sector. We are using these insights to further develop our regulatory strategy to meet the needs of the future and to continue to make RICS standards relevant, competitive and market-leading.

Dame Janet Paraskeva

Chair, SRB