
Housing markets in 2024 and beyond: How can the sector leverage change?

1 Hour Formal CPD


The delivery of adequate housing across all tenures is a challenge familiar to many markets around the world. Changing work and lifestyle patterns in the post-Covid period, coupled with a subdued macroeconomic environment present both challenges and opportunities for stakeholders at all levels. Access to land and the provision of finance are counted among the most pressing barriers to delivery, and further interventions, policies or initiatives are necessary to accelerate housing provision.

Our panel of experts will assess the measures and innovations that are proving effective in leveraging change to secure a more sustainable supply of housing. The discussion will also examine how, in the context of changing political leadership, these measures are poised to impact the sector going forward.

This webinar will cover the UK, Europe and Asia Pacific, examining how key levers for change in each region are impacted by social, environmental and economic headwinds and tailwinds.


Simon Rubinsohn, Chief Economist, RICS