Why join RICS through direct entry?

The value of an RICS qualification has never been greater: from wider industry recognition and enhanced career opportunities to access to the latest professional insights, guidance and technologies.

Benefits include:

  • globally recognised dual designation
  • exclusive benefits via our Business Plus partners
  • sector events and updates
  • outstanding thought leadership articles; ensuring that you are at the helm of the latest industry developments

Find out more about membership benefits

Before you apply


To apply for direct entry you must:

  • meet the qualification and experience requirements set out in the documents below for AssocRICS or MRICS
  • not have been referred on the associate assessment if you are applying for AssocRICS
  • not have been referred on a chartered assessment if you are applying for MRICS

Some direct entry arrangements include a condition that requires applicants to have a period of relevant experience. Where this is stated, RICS defines “relevant experience” as full-time and relevant to the RICS competencies as set out in the appropriate RICS pathway guide. If you have any questions about the relevance of your experience, please contact us.

Important note: All RICS direct entry routes are reviewed on a regular basis and are subject to change/closure at short notice. Where appropriate, RICS will honour any direct entry application in process at the time of any change/closure.

Associate (AssocRICS)

Check the list of approved qualifications that are accepted for direct entry to Associate

Chartered (MRICS)

Check the list of approved qualifications that are accepted for direct entry to Chartered


Your application must include:

  • proof of qualification or a letter from your professional body confirming your membership status including how you gained the qualification
  • details of your proposer (an existing RICS member who supports your application).

The RICS enrolment team will check that you are eligible for direct entry and then confirm the next steps. These include:

  • Completion of the RICS Professionalism module
  • Confirmation from your proposer (an existing RICS member who supports your application)
  • Payment of the direct entry application fee.

You can apply online using the links below.

Professionalism module

Behaving ethically and professionally is at the heart of what it means to be a RICS member; it distinguishes professionals from others in the marketplace.

You are required to successfully complete the RICS Professionalism module before you are awarded an RICS qualification. The module includes e-learning and an online assessment.

The enrolment team will provide you with access to the module after your application has been approved.

Full details for the fees required for the Direct Entry route can be found here.

Apply now

If you haven’t already got an RICS online account, you’ll need to create one

Create an online account

then you can apply

Associate (AssocRICS)

Apply for AssocRICS direct entry

Chartered (MRICS)

Apply for MRICS direct entry