Join our growing network of construction industry professionals committed to conflict avoidance and early intervention.

The financial cost of disputes in the construction industry is measured in billions of pounds. Conflict can cause immeasurable harm to business relationships and brand reputations. An increasing number of major infrastructure bodies are driving a sea-change and embedding conflict avoidance mechanisms to avoid and manage conflicts.

Conflict Avoidance Conference 2024

The Conflict Avoidance Coalition is delighted to invite you to attend its inaugural Conflict Avoidance Conference.


Who’s driving the Pledge?

The Pledge was initiated by several of the UK’s leading professional bodies for construction and engineering. Together they form the Conflict Avoidance Coalition Steering Group.   

Why sign up to the Pledge?

Becoming a Pledge signatory signals to clients and suppliers that:

✔ You are a good business to work with

✔ Maintaining good business relationships, and dealing with problems early and amicably, are keystones of your day-to-day commercial operations.

✔ Your business is fully committed to delivering value for money and working collaboratively to ensure projects are delivered on time, on budget and on par.

When you sign you will be listed on the online Conflict Avoidance directory.

Government guidance

The UK Government is urging parties to contracts to (i) act responsibly and fairly, (ii) to support the response to Covid-19, and (iii) to protect jobs and the economy.


Construction Conflict Avoidance Process - Webinar

The Pledge

We believe in collaborative working and the use of early intervention techniques throughout the supply chain, to try to resolve differences of opinion before they escalate into disputes.

We recognise the importance of embedding conflict avoidance mechanisms into projects with the aim of identifying, controlling and managing potential conflict, whilst preventing the need for formal, adversarial dispute resolution procedures. We commit our resources to embedding these into our projects.

We commit to working proactively to avoid conflict and to facilitate early resolution of potential disputes.

We commit to developing our capability in the early identification of potential disputes and in the use of conflict avoidance measures. We will promote the value of collaborative working to prevent issues developing into disputes.

We commit to work with our industry partners to identify, promote and utilise conflict avoidance mechanisms.

Who has signed up?

Many organisations have already committed their support to avoiding conflict and facilitating early resolution to potential disputes.

CA Pledge Signatories

CA Pledge Signatories


What happens when I sign the pledge?

Your organisation will be listed on the Conflict Avoidance Directory as Bronze, Silver or Gold,

Bronze verified

This indicates that the individual, business or organisation:

✔ is a signatory to the CA Pledge

Silver verified

This indicates that the individual, business or organisation:

✔ is a signatory to the CA Pledge
✔ has taken formal steps to incorporate policies to give effect to their commitment to avoiding and effectively managing disputes.
✔ Included the Pledge logo and/or declarations of membership of the Conflict Avoidance Coalition in marketing and other business collateral.

Gold verified

This indicates that the individual, business or organisation:

✔ Met Silver criteria
✔ Introduced conflict avoidance/management procedures across all their contractual matrices
✔ Have provided evidence that they make collaborative working arrangements part of the way they normally do business
✔ Have actively engaged in at least one conflict avoidance/management procedure
✔ Actively promote collaborative working and/or use of conflict avoidance procedures


Join the industry sea-change

Show your commitment to the industry and sign up to the Conflict Avoidance Pledge and get listed on the Conflict Avoidance online directory.

Already a Bronze signatory?

Sign up to become a Silver or Gold signatory here