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RICS Matrics Brighton: Webinar - APC Support with Jon Lever



Whether you are at the beginning of your APC Journey or reaching the final destination and producing your final assessment submission documentation, ready to submit this autumn 2024, this event will have something for everyone.

Jon Lever FRICS is a Chartered QS, An APC Assessor/Chair for the last 26 years and has trained over 10,000 RICS members to be APC assessors. Jon will leave no stone unturned and provide a unique step-by-step walk through the RICS Assessment Platform and offer his guidance and advice including a unique perspective from what the assessors are trained to look for in your submission document.

Learning outcomes


  • A full appreciation of the RICS Assessment Platform
  • Hints and tips on your APC submission documentation
  • An opportunity to come and ask your questions about your APC 


DeLever will also be providing a £100 DeLever Gift Voucher that will be part of a free prize draw taken on the day at the end of the event.

Everyone who attends the live event will be automatically placed in the free prize draw.

All registering delegates will receive a free invite to the DeLever APC Roadshow, a weekly CPD event.

DeLever Website: