First published in 1976, the Red Book Global Standards are updated regularly to reflect market changes and developments. It is recognised globally as one of the most rigorous sets of standards for valuation and, as such, serves as a key reference for global users and stakeholders. 

We are updating the Red Book Global Standards as part of our commitment to support high standards in valuation delivery worldwide and future-proof practices in the public interest, with the direction of updates informed by extensive feedback from stakeholders.

The changes to the existing Red Book Global Standards will reflect:

  • Implementation of Valuation Review recommendations
  • Alignment with development in other relevant global standards and regulations such as the new International Valuation Standards (IVS) published January 2024, IFRS and Basel 3.1
  • Adaption to evolving practices and processes for issues including ESG and technological advancements

  • VPS 1: will remain as VPS 1 (Terms of engagement) 
  • VPS 2: will become VPS 4 (Inspections, investigations and records) 
  • VPS 3: will become VPS 6 (Valuation reports) 
  • VPS 4: will become VPS 2 (Bases of value, assumptions and special assumptions) 
  • VPS 5: will be split into VPS 3 (Valuation approaches and methods) and VPS 5 (Valuation models) 

To ensure these changes are effective for the industry, we held a consultation from 1 July to 2 August 2024.

Once feedback from this consultation has been received and reviewed, any changes will be finalised and approved by the RICS Knowledge and Practice Committee and then finally by the Standards and Regulation Board.

The revised Red Book Global Standards are scheduled for publication in late 2024. There will be a transition period for members and stakeholders to implement changes before it becomes effective on 31 January 2025, in line with the International Valuation Standards (IVS).

Frequently Asked Questions

New content on modelling, methods and risk has been provided in the update. The Red Book Global Standards have also been made more accessible, removing repetition. In accordance with Recommendation 13 from the Valuation Review (addressing technology in valuation), we have amended existing mandatory (PS1) standards around AVMs and incorporated new standards covering automation and AI.

See this page for further information on the valuation review Valuation Review (

A light-touch review will be undertaken of the Red Book UK Supplement post-publication of the Red Book Global Standards, with regards to references and any other administrative changes needed.

The current advisory global rotation policy relating to the member of not greater than seven years (see PS 2) is proposed to remain as it is. The Red Book UK Supplement mandatory rotation policy (UK VPS 3.3) only applies in the UK and to a limited number of regulated purpose valuations. The Valuation Review was mainly UK focused and there is not thought to be scope to expand governance recommendations such as mandatory rotation globally at this time. 

31 January 2025, to align with IVS.

There will be a free webinar during the consultation period giving an overview of the proposed changes, followed by a continuation of the free Red Book Global Standards compliance workshops.

RICS will also update any existing training courses/e-learning modules: Global Red Book 2022 | RICS Online Academy and Global Red Book ( as needed.

The latest edition of RICS Valuation - Global Standards (Red Book Global Standards) is still in effect until 31 January 2025.


A guide to key changes

The accompanying Red Book Global Standards — Basis for conclusions explains the rationale behind updates in the latest version and highlights significant changes to ensure you can quickly identify what you must do differently to remain compliant. Specifically, it addresses the main refinements made as a consequence of the responses received to the public consultation. It has been produced purely to assist the reader and does not form part of the standards.

RICS translates the Red Book Global Standards into some languages such as French and German, and for those where a translation is not available, we have provided supporting documents in English. If you think a document or translation is missing from this page, please contact us at

Download the translations, national supplements and jurisdiction guides

حمل النسخة العربية من معايير التقييم العالمية ٢٠٢٠ للمعهد الملكي للمساحين القانونيين RICS "الكتاب الأحمر"


حمل النسخة العربية من معايير التقييم العالمية 2022 "الكتاب الأحمر" للمعهد الملكي للمساحين القانونيين.
المرجع الشامل لأعضاء المعهد ويشمل المعايير المهنية والفنية لممارسة مهنة التقييم بالإضافة إلى أدلة تطبيقية لأنواع متعددة من الأصول وأغراض التقييم كما يتضمن معايير التقييم الدولية السارية من 31 يناير 2022.

Download the local jurisdiction guide

This jurisdiction guide examines each factor in its local context and highlights those that are likely to have a significant impact on the valuation of a property located in the country concerned.

Download the Red Book national supplement for Australia

This national supplement sets out supporting guidance for members on the application of RICS Valuation – Global Standards 2017 (Red Book Global Edition) to valuations undertaken subject to Australian jurisdiction.

Download the Portuguese translation of the Red Book 2017.

Download the local jurisdiction guide.

This jurisdiction guide examines each factor in its local context and highlights those that are likely to have a significant impact on the valuation of a property located in the country concerned.

Download the translated Global Red Book for 2017

Download the translated Basis for Conclusions for the Global Red Book 2022

Download the updated National Supplement to the Red Book for Cyprus, published September 2021.

Download the local jurisdiction guide

This jurisdiction guide examines each factor in its local context and highlights those that are likely to have a significant impact on the valuation of a property located in the country concerned.

Red Book Global Standards pour votre entreprise

Download the translated Global Red Book for 2017

Download the translated Basis for Conclusions for the Global Red Book 2022

Download the translated Global Red Book for 2017

Download the translated Basis for Conclusions for the Global Red Book 2022

Download the updated National Supplement to the Red Book for Greece, published April 2022

Download the Red Book national supplement for Hong Kong.

This guidance note provides assistance to RICS members on the application of the RICS Valuation – Global Standards 2017 (the Red Book) to valuations that have to be provided in compliance with the jurisdiction requirements in Hong Kong.

Download the local jurisdiction guide.

This jurisdiction guide examines each factor in its local context and highlights those that are likely to have a significant impact on the valuation of a property located in the country concerned.

Download the Red Book national supplement for India

This national supplement sets out supporting guidance for members on the application of RICS Valuation – Global Standards 2017 (Red Book Global Edition) to valuations undertaken subject to Indian jurisdiction.

Download the local jurisdiction guide

This jurisdiction guide examines each factor in its local context and highlights those that are likely to have a significant impact on the valuation of a property located in the country concerned.

Download the Italian translation of the Red Book 2020

The Red Book recognises that local statute, or regulation, may have specific requirements that expand the global standards.

Download the local jurisdiction guide

This jurisdiction guide examines each factor in its local context and highlights those that are likely to have a significant impact on the valuation of a property located in the country concerned.

Download the Dutch translation of the Red Book 2020

Download the local jurisdiction guide

This jurisdiction guide examines each factor in its local context and highlights those that are likely to have a significant impact on the valuation of a property located in the country concerned.

Download the local jurisdiction guide

This jurisdiction guide examines each factor in its local context and highlights those that are likely to have a significant impact on the valuation of a property located in the country concerned.

Download the translated Basis for Conclusions for the Global Red Book 2022

Download the translated Global Red Book for 2017

Download the Portuguese translation of the Red Book 2017.

Depending on the purpose for which it is intended, property valuation in Portugal may be subject to diverse local legislation and regulations that create specific rules. This national supplement sets out supporting guidance for members on the application of RICS Valuation – Global Standards (Red Book Global Standards) to valuations undertaken subject to Portuguese jurisdiction.

Download the Red Book national supplement for Portugal.

Download the local jurisdiction guide

This jurisdiction guide examines each factor in its local context and highlights those that are likely to have a significant impact on the valuation of a property located in the country concerned.

Download the local jurisdiction guide

This jurisdiction guide examines each factor in its local context and highlights those that are likely to have a significant impact on the valuation of a property located in the country concerned.

Download the translated Global Red Book for 2020

Download the translated Basis for Conclusions for the Global Red Book 2022

Download the national Red Book supplement for Sweden (English language only).

This guidance note has been prepared primarily for financial reporting purposes, in order to comply with International Financial Reporting Standard 13 (IFRS 13), but also for reporting purposes to the IPD Sweden Annual Property Index.

Since June 2015 the UK and global portions of the RICS Red Book have been issued separately.

Clarification on the relationship between Global Red Book 2017 and the UK national supplement.

As paragraph 4.3 of the RICS Valuation - Global Standards 2017 explains, for a number of jurisdictions RICS publishes national supplements to the Red Book global standards to assist members in the application of those standards in a local context.

The UK national supplement augments the Global Red Book for valuations that are subject to UK jurisdiction. The latest edition published on 14 November is effective for valuations where the valuation date is on or after 14 January 2019. The previous edition is effective for valuations where the valuation date is on or after 6 January 2014 (with certain elements effective from 1 January 2015) but before 14 January 2019.

Key changes between 2015 and 2018 UK national supplements

The changes introduced in the 2018 UK national supplement (effective from 14 January 2019) are described in the separately published Basis for conclusions document, and also summarised at pages 138 – 140 in the Supplement itself.

Download the local jurisdiction guide.

This jurisdiction guide examines each factor in its local context and highlights those that are likely to have a significant impact on the valuation of a property located in the country concerned.

For the downloads and information, see this page.

Download the Red Book national supplement for the US.

This guidance note provides assistance to RICS members on the application of the Red Book 2012 to valuations that have to be provided in compliance with US jurisdiction.

Download the local jurisdiction guide.

This jurisdiction guide examines each factor in its local context and highlights those that are likely to have a significant impact on the valuation of a property located in the country concerned.